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Camouflage: the trendy style that never expires
There are two and they are beautiful: GREEN GUERRILLIA and BLU COMBACT, the new camouflage apple watch bands by Meridio, new entry for the spring summer 2018 collection.
A bold and completely innovative style choice confirmed by the inclusion of these two new apple watch straps in the suede collection, the most requested, the most famous, the most appreciated among Meridio’s proposals, together with Nappa collection.
Camouflage: to hide, to disguise, to mask. A fantasy that gave birth to a real style known and appreciated all over the world.
The camou is a camouflage fantasy born in the 60s, and back in fashion in the 80s. It comes from the military who used suits that could disguise them in battle.
Regardless of the season, gender or taste, camouflage is one of the must-have that anyone should have in his wardrobe.
3 types of camouflage
There are several variations proposed over the years by different designers:
Launched by Alighiero Boetti, experimental artist of contemporary Italian art,
he expressed himself through camouflage in the now distant 1967, naming his work Mimetic. Life, as a mediator between art and nature, plays here its forms and its cards, in continuous references, thoughts and sentences.
The Combat-Look becomes an icon and crosses the borders, clearing the military attitude of camouflage. The streets of the metropolis are dressed everywhere mimetically.
Camouflage becomes the uniform for urban wars: more or less claimed, more or less said, more or less fought. Ghetto, suburbs, outskirts: life is less easy here, here the road dictates fashions that will then parade.
The camouflage plot with military references becomes more refined, adding peaceful colors to browns and camouflage greens.
It is the contemporary version of camouflage, which after becoming geometric, sporty and contaminated, meets here a greater awareness, finding great serenity.
A contemporary step, aimed at a near future.
3 mistakes to avoid
We must be careful not to overdo the camouflage because as beautiful, timeless and original, is likely to make us turn into “masked on the street” making us get the opposite result instead of going unnoticed.
- Never combine it with a fantasy – the camou is comfortable with everything that is monochromatic
- Always and only 1 camou item for every outfit: do not overdo it, never combine a camouflage garment with another camouflage garment. In this case the rule is worth: less is more
- To be really stylish, elegant and never exaggerated, choose the right accessories: bag, fourlard, shoes, belt, leather apple watch band: blue combact or green guerrilla