How to take care of your Nappa leather Apple Watch band

On Christmas day, you received a wonderful Meridio Nappa leather Apple Watch band from your better half. Your partner knew you desired to change the appearance of your Apple Watch and chose to give you this possibility by swapping out its band. Now you have this new strap, you are asking: how may I take care of my Nappa leather Apple Watch band?

What is Nappa Lather?

Nappa Leather is a term used to refer to a particularly soft and chrome tanned leather. Its name comes from the place where it was first created, Napa in California, USA. There, Emanuel Manasse, a Tanning company employee, coined the term Nappa leather in 1875. At the very beginning, Nappa leather was only used for gloves and clothing. Now, it is used for a wide range of items, such shoes, handbags, car interiors and even watch bands, of course!

Nappa leather is a full-grain leather, which has a particularly smooth and supple softness to the touch and could be made from different animals skin (i.e. cow, calf, lamb, kid). Different pigments and products can be applied to Nappa leather to give it an even color and a more robust finish.

How to take care of Nappa leather Apple Watch band

Nappa leather is delicate. If you have a Nappa leather Apple Watch band, over time it may happen that this leather gets dry, creates cracks or loses its shape after getting wet. This is why it is necessary to take care of your Nappa leather Apple Watch band, in the best way.

How to keep your Nappa leather Apple Watch band clean

First of all, you need to keep your Nappa leather strap clean. The humidity of the air, water drops which remain after you wash your hands, or simply sweat, can create small spots or alterations on the surface of your Nappa leather strap. To clean your Nappa leather band, you can mix some neutral liquid cleanser with hot water in a small bowl. Be careful not to overdo with the amount of soap otherwise you risk damaging the color of your Nappa leather Apple watch band, or creating an ugly leopard spot effect on it. Once you created this solution, you can merge a cotton ball into it and allow it to flow smoothly along the Nappa leather band surface. After that, pass over it a cotton ball only soaked in clean water and then proceed to dry it with another cotton ball or a soft cloth and be careful to dab the surface until it is completely dry.

How to remove a stubborn stain from your Nappa leather Apple Watch strap

If you have to remove a stubborn stain, you can try to use a specific cleanser. Be careful to its composition and choose only detergents that contain delicate reactants and oils specifically formulated to soften and nourish the leather. Independent of the formulation you have chosen, cream, gel or spray, it is always convenient to apply a small amount of product on the part to be treated and to rub with a soft cloth and with circular movements until the product has been completely absorbed.

How to take care of your Nappa leather Apple Watch band: final tip

Just a final tip to take care of your Nappa leather Apple Watch band: don’t forget Nappa leather is a natural material, which needs “to breathe”. So, it is important to store your band in a cool and dry place and to take care to store it only when it is perfectly dry and never when it is wet. In this way, you will avoid damaging it or forming moldy spots on the surface and you will guarantee its life for a long time.

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How to take care of your Nappa leather Apple Watch band
On Christmas day, you received a wonderful Meridio Nappa leather Apple Watch band from your better half. How may you take care of your Nappa leather Apple Watch band?
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