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EKG monitor developing by Apple: is it rumours or real?
Apple’s involvement in human health is becoming more and more active and surprising thanks to new apps and sensors that take care of our health during our daily life. A new feature that could improve Apple Watch health functions is represented by an advanced heart-monitor integrated with the new versions of Apple Watch. It is not only a luxury and fashion accessory with charming bands that you wear as a stylish wearable device as Apple Watch is becoming an important medical device that can save your life.
There are not official announcements that EKG monitors will bee soon integrated with the new versions of Apple Watch. However Apple’s research initiatives into irregular heart rhythms in collaboration with Stanford Medicine are an important step to transform Apple Watch into an irreplaceable medical device. Step by step it’s a good strategy in the medical sector where the tech companies like Apple have to respect the stringent tests imposed by the U.S. F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administrations).
The medical-device market could become soon an important business for those companies that are developing health sensors and devices able to monitor human health. The good news is that Apple Watch users can already monitor their heart thanks to an EKG system which can be integrated with their device and developed by AliceCore Inc. However the obvious target point that Apple wants to reach is to create an all-in-one device- Apple Watch in the case- able to monitor human health without any other external systems.
What is an EKG Monitor?
EKG means electrocardiogram and it can be called both EKG and ECG.
Such a device checks our heart conditions in order to help doctors to choose the proper treatment for a particular patient by controlling his heart activity.
That’s why Apple Watch can become an important device if it will be integrated with an EKG monitor as Apple Watch user can track his heart without depending on other external accessories. On the other side doctors will have a cloud shared information about their patient health with more helpful and effective results in the diagnosis process.
How does an EKG Machine work?
An EKG is already a portable device even if not so small as an Apple Watch. It consista of a small box with the machine inside connected with some electrodes. The impulses picked up by the electrodes are recorded in pairs, and each pair is known as a lead. Each lead views the heart from a different angle and wearable EKG machines monitor limited heart activities such as heart murmur and arrhythmia.
#1 case study: Apple Watch can save your life
James Green’s story demonstrates that our Apple Watch is not only a fashionable accessory that we wear at our wrist with our favorite Apple Watch leather bands but it can really save our life. Apple Watch integrated heart sensors made just this by sending a notification to James about an abnormally high heart rate. He was using HeartWatch app to monitor his heart and after that notification he went as soon as possible to the hospital for a diagnosis. The result? He had a pulmonary embolism, a serious health problem that happen when a blood clot is present in the lungs. Apple Watch app didn’t make a diagnosis, of course but its sensors alerted James that something wrong was occurring in his body as irregular heartbeat is one of the few symptoms of a pulmonary embolism.
#2 case study: Apple Watch can save your life
Scott Killian is a 50 years old man who made all the tests about his heart and his health to be sure to be healthy. And his tests were good without any concerns so that he went home without any trouble. He used his Apple Watch to track his sleep and to monitor his health during the night-time. His Apple Watch alerted him about an elevated heart rate during his sleep due probably to some mild indigestion. At the hospital the analyses made with an EKG machine were normal and it was only after a blood test that doctors found out an elevated enzyme that would have caused a heart attack.